Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Starring Adrian Brody,Emmanuelle Seigner,Elsa Pataky
Dario Argento, though not the first to make a giallo, his name is synonymous with the sub genre since the release of his feature film Four Flies on Gray Velvet. But from the look of this it seems Argento has forgotten what a giallo is. Lacking in mystery, an unknown killer's identity and sexual perversions this comes across more like a made for television movie of the week, and this particular week is uneventful.
The writing is sloppy, lazy and on numerous occasions down right preposterous. , Jim Agnew and Sean Keller are credited as writers here.Argento is credited as co - writer.
Linda,(Seigner )a flight attendant is staying over in Torino to visit her beautiful sister Celine,(Pataky) a fashion model. When Celine fails to arrive at her apartment, the awaiting Linda becomes suspicious. Her last source of communication was by cell phone, Celine said she would be there shortly, she was in a taxi.
Taking this information to the police, Linda is told to go to the basement of the station to see inspector Enzo Avolfi ( Brody ). Giving Avolfi the information,he claims this sounds like a case he has been working on. Beautiful young women who are also tourists are terribly mutilated, tortured, killed and left at various places around the city. One such victim who amazingly stays alive long enough to allow Alvofi to record her last words and clue him into the word yellow in Japanese. The ironic thing about Giallo is that the movie isn't a giallo, we know right away who the killer is, we see his face, unlike the traditional giallo where the killer's identity would be explained just before the credits roll.There is also the lack of sexual perversions that are usually associated with the giallo genre, the killer here is happy mutilating beautiful women, due to his ugliness. He feels better towards himself after doing this to their beautiful faces. There are a couple of moments of gore such as lips and a finger cut off by tin snips, sometimes the camera will linger while at other times Argento will let us use our imaginations.
The character of Enzo Avolfi lives and works in the basement of the police station , he uses very unorthodox methods,so we are told. Other than chain smoking and mumbling, I didn't see any methods that were different or unorthodox. Surrounding his office/ home with pictures of mutilated victims from his recent case, Avolfi seems at ease here, in a very cliche manner now, a pizza is even delivered.
In flashbacks we see that both the killer and inspector Avolfi have had mother issues. One character is witness to his mother's murder while the other is left abandoned at a Catholic church by his drug dependant, prostitute mother, passing on her Hepatitis C and causing the skin condition of jaundice.
If one was to juxtapose the antagonist and the protagonist, other similarities would be revealed. Even the casting of Byron Diedra can be seen as a hint. It is an anagram for Adrian Brody.
One example of the writing where I found it to be rather silly was when the character of Enzo Avolfi knows that the tourists have last been seen alive entering taxi cabs, but when Linda is found following him in a cab, he insists that she get back into the cab and leave so that he can continue with the investigation. Searching for your abducted sister by a crazed killer can make one turn desperate, but I found it absurd how easily Linda had become convinced to co-operate with the killer.
I thought the ending was purely a cop out, again looking like the movie of the week,even the end credits looking very much like a T.V. movie.
My Thoughts: Dario Argento has given us his fair share of cinematic greatness, unfortunately in the last couple of years, I have been a little disappointed in what he has to offer. But he is still the one that brought us Suspiria, so I will continue to watch whatever he may capture on camera.
My Rating: 2 Go Go Girls out of 5
Monday, November 29, 2010
Colin who is still with us rises to his feet, looking a little worse for wear thanks to some decent make up effects courtesy of Michelle Webb.Stumbling back to the place where this terrible fate has taken place.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Walking Dead ( Week 4 )

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Zone of the Dead

Monday, November 15, 2010
The Walking Dead ( week 3 )

Saturday, November 13, 2010
King of the Ants

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Seven Deaths in the Cat's Eye

Directed by Antonio Margheriti, Starring Jane Birkin,Hiram Keller,Francoise Christophe,Venantino Venantini,Doris Kuntsmann.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Walking Dead ( Episode 2 )

I found most of the ideas from the book are being incorporated into the series, just not following a chronological order, I'm not complaining, it's familiar but at the same time new.Chopping a walker into little pieces by an axe, Rick and Glenn smear flesh and guts onto themselves to cover their own scent of being alive.Trying to make their way to a construction site for a vehicle.The book shows the two already having been back at the camp, then making the trip back to the city for guns and ammo using the same olfactory disguise.
Michael Rooker's character, I believe it's Merle, he is quite the red neck and will make an interesting addition to an already excellent ensemble. Rooker is the type of actor who takes on characters which are usually uneducated and a low life scumbag of some sort.So far this character is not an exception.
It was nice to see Glenn speeding along the empty freeway, finally releasing some unpleasant emotions, he no doubt has built up since the zombie apocalypse.
What are your thoughts? Let us know.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The New York Ripper

Directed by Lucio Fulci
You're going to want to take a shower after watching this slice of cinematic sleaze. Every main character introduced has some strange sexual hang up that would keep a dozen psychiatrists working around the clock busy for a year.
At the harbour an old man is throwing a stick for his dog to fetch, one toss lands the stick into some bushes. The dog exits the bushes carrying the severed hand of a female victim. Elsewhere the Staten Island ferry is making it's way back to the island, among the blaring horns of the ship a woman is sliced and eviscerated by an unseen assailant.Jane a sophisticated, well dressed woman is sitting in the front row of a live sex show secretly tape recording the performance for her husband. A sleazy looking man who is missing the ring and pinky fingers of his right hand sits himself several chairs down from Jane.As the two performers show is coming to a climax, Jane is beginning to get into the act,(if you know what I mean ) a solo performance of her own. The once occupied seat down from her is now sitting empty. The female performer goes back to her dressing room, in it's blackness she discovers by broken glass in her bare feet that the bulb has been smashed.Hearing a noise from behind a curtained closet she approaches only to have her privates mutilated by a broken bottle.This movie is sprinkled with lots of the sleaze factor through out, again the nicely dressed Jane borrows the Porshe and drives out to 42nd street area. Sitting in a pool hall, she is quickly noticed by two Hispanics who make a bet with each other regarding if she is wearing panties or not. Slipping his bare foot out from his shoe and between her legs" Morales has silver toes " he says. A minute or two later he owes his friend Chico a beer. Jane enjoys putting herself in danger , she meets the three finger man at a hotel for a little bout of S& M. Is this the man that has been taunting the police and particularly Inspector Williams with phone calls and quacking like a duck. Yes folks you read that right, this killer sounds like Donald Duck on quack, I mean crack. Like I said before every main character has some sort of hang up with sex, even our protagonist Inspector Williams. He sleeps with a prostitute but they act like an old married couple.Eventually Inspector Williams teams up with Paul, a psychologist to help with the capture of the sex killer. Turns out Paul likes to buy magazines with naked men in the pages.When a phone call from the quacking killer leads Inspector Williams on a wild duck chase , oops I mean a wild goose chase, Williams learns that the killer is at his prostitute, Kitty's apartment.This scene is no doubt the one that is talked most often when the conversation turns to The New York Ripper. The killer has Kitty tied to her bed, sweeping a razor blade over her body, finally resting the blade on her forehead. Pressing the blade into the flesh, and pulling it down across her eyeball. Next we see the blade divide an erect nipple, in extreme close up. Fulci has been labeled a woman hater in the past, and this film is not going to help matters with his label as a misogynist. Earlier films of Fulci's such as The Beyond, The Gates of Hell and Zombie we have seen a young girl's head on the wrong side of a shot gun blast. A woman puking up her intestines and yet another woman having her eyeball impaled onto a nine inch splinter of wood. But Ripper is Fulci at his nastiest with it's various sex crimes, the slicing and dicing of women and the pscychological themes of insanity. This is in our world, this could be real, sometimes it is real. There are no zombies here or hotels built over a gate to Hell,making this film more realistic. With it's red herrings, whodunit murder mystery and themes of insanity The New York Ripper comes across very much like a giallo. Many years ago In Italy pulp novels were published, these books contained stories of murder, mystery and sex. The books themselves were binded between bright yellow covers.Giallo means yellow in Italian. Soon these books were made into low budget films. Dario Argento being credited as one of the first directors to work with this sub genre.
I found this film's pacing a little slow, most giallos are. The tone, ugly, most scenes taking place on 42nd street or Times square. Today these areas are clean and respectable places but back in the days, scum bags, druggies and low lifes wandered these streets night and day. The overall atmosphere comes across very gritty and grungey looking,with endless scenes of Adult movie houses, peek shows and live sex performances being offered. I thought the killer's identity was not a strong point in this picture,I felt the motive behind the killings were rather weak as well. The reasoning behind the duck like voice is actually absurd.
My Thoughts: This is by no means Fulci's best work, The Beyond IMHO is the one that does it for me. Check out Fulci's Don't Torture a Duckling for an earlier try at a murder mystery.The cover states that it is The Most Controversial Horror Film Ever Made! Sorry but I'll have to disagree.
My Rating:2.5 Go Go Girls out of 5 Sure , there's lots of skin to look at, but it all ends up mutilated.
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstien Girl

It's Valentine's day at Tokyo High school and all the girls are in anticipation of having a cute boy accept their sweets, one boy in particular, Jugon.When the chocolates are confiscated by one of the teachers, Keiko the most popular girl screams for her daddy the vice principal.Even the vice principle can't convince the teacher to return the sweets.Monami the new transfer student that nobody notices has managed to keep her sweet from the pile of confiscated chocolates.She manages to get Jugon to accept her piece of chocolate, the inside filled with Monami's blood. Monami is a vampire and happy to see Jugon's body not rejecting her blood, soon she will turn him into a full fledged vampire. This little showing of affection has stirred up the waters between Monami and Keiko.Mean while students at Tokyo High are going missing, Mr. Furano the vice principal , Keiko 's father secretly experiments on the missing students. He believes he is the successor to Dr. Frankenstein. Wearing kabuki make up, the bat shit crazy vice principal and the sexy head nurse undertake some bizarre experiments in the basement of the school.After finding a droplet of Monami's blood, the white faced mad scientist believes he has found the missing ingredient to bring life to his creations. Add to this a wrist cutter's club who hold rallies and competitions, members who don't go anywhere without their handy dandy carpet knives.How about the super dark club, a group of Japanese girls who wish they were black and have had their skin darkened. Some members sporting Afros, and one going as far as to having a wooden disc implanted into her bottom lip.When Keiko is accidentally killed during a jealous rage over Jugon, her father takes the lifeless body to the basement laboratory.Soon the battle between vampire girl and Frankenstein girl will commence.
Take Universal Pictures favorite monsters add some sexy Japanese schoolgirls, a dash of sake and throw them in a blender and you might have something like Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl. This movie isn't for everyone, but if you have seen movies like Tokyo Gore Police or Machine Girl you know what kind of crazy ass hyper kinetic, horror schlock to expect.This is a movie where you can check your brain at the door, just make sure to keep your rain coat nearby.This sucker just doesn't rain but pours an onslaught of an arterial geyser.Saturating everyone and everything in a never ending stream of blood and viscera. This is one roller coaster ride of a movie you won't forget whether you like it or not, a gut wrenching, ass clenching display of some of the sickest and slickest special effects.
VG vs. FG amps it up, amps it up big time. Everything is taken to the nth degree and then some, but I'm sad to say that after all the crazy ass things the directors have chosen to show us, this final battle is a bit of a let down. From the ending, it is quite obvious the film makers are a big fan of Let the Right One In, but who isn't?
My Thoughts:This is pure eye candy for anyone who enjoys cinematic splatter from the twisted minds of Japanese film makers. Any film that opens with a song called Pinky Love has my attention.
My Rating: 3.5 Go Go Girls out of 5
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The walking Dead

Friday, October 22, 2010
Survival of the Dead

Directed By George A. Romero
Starring Alan Van Sprang, Eric Wolfe, Kenneth Welsh,Richard Fitzpatrick, Stefano Di Matteo, DevonBostick, Athena,Karkanis
Whether he means to or not , George Romero's living dead films make comments on social and political issues of the times. In Night of the living Dead, Ben played by actor Duane Jones is the only black character. And the only one to survive the night of an attack by the undead upon an old farm house.He makes it through to the morning, only to have a bullet enter his skull from the rifle of some red neck, trigger happy country bumpkin. Ben could have been mistaken for one of the undead, or merely shot at because his skin was black. This is 1968, segregation is still in the minds of most Americans, especially the southern states. Ben's body is dragged from the farm house and thrown onto a pyre to burn, reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan? Referred in the film NOTLD how a satellite probe of Venus may have become radio active and raised the dead upon it's return to Earth. Many people were against the space race and the exploration of space, believing we have no right to be there.NOTLD could also be taken as a metaphor of the war in Vietnam.Dawn of the Dead, zombies can't think,they just do what zombies do.Then why do thousands of the undead congregate at the local mall ? We live in a disposable society, after something is used it is thrown away for something newer, bigger or more improved. Like it or not, most of us are materialistic, we like to buy and have things. Things that can be had from the mall. Zombies are the ultimate consumer, they consume themselves. In Romero's film The Day of the Dead there is a break down of the government's infrastructure and a lack of science/ medicine to combat epidemic diseases, there is also the conflict between science and the military. I won't be discussing Land of the Dead or Diary of the Dead here . Basically I feel the first three of Romero's Living Dead films are his best and the latter two failed to sugar coat my sweet tooth for a zombie fixin'. Which brings us up to date for Romero's latest zombie offering Survival of the Dead. We see a disgruntled looking member of the military sitting, smoking a cigarette. Sarge as he will come to be known is going through in his head the statistics of how many people there are in the world, how many have died and how many will rise again to infect others. This is accomplished with a voice over.He is pissed off , he and other members of the National Guard have just returned from a hell hole of a mission and his best friend DJ has been killed. Sarge and a small group of guards go AWOL, they become thieves, but stealing only what they need. Sarge has an us versus them attitude, and he is looking for a place with no them. Heading north in an armoured truck, a broadcast is picked up on a computer laptop offering sanctuary on Plum Island,the group redirects the wheeled fortress towards the small island. After some gun play at the harbour our protagonists finally board a ferry with their vehicle. Making their way to Plum Island, Patrick O' Flynn is discovered as a Stowe away . O' Flynn was exiled from the island when he and his posse took it upon themselves to kill the undead or anyone who had become infected from a zombie. Seamus Muldoon who had forced the exile of O'Flynn, Muldoon believes the zombies can be cured, given time. He keeps the infected alive, some in their natural habitat, others corralled at his ranch like cattle. This difference in the two brought the two families to war. Could this be another social comment being implied by the director Romero ? Two parties at war with each other, and a third party , foreign, introduced to the war in progress. This sounds very similar to the U. S . military involvement in the middle east. As the two families go to battle, I thought it was interesting how Romero staged the gun play to look like a western, men hiding in wooden barrels, and on roofs. The only thing missing was the swinging doors of a saloon. Finally during the gun play, a barn full of dead heads are released and some zombie mayhem ensues thanks to the special effects make up by Francois Dagenais. Tom Savini can still sleep soundly knowing his reputation of make up artist extrordinaire is still safe, but Dagenais adds his own brand of ooey gooey goodness. There is a couple of special effects striving for comic relief, one zombie has a fork thrust into it's head with a hot dog still on it . In the credits as wiener zombie. Another scene shows a flare shot into the chest of the undead, causing his head to ignite into flames like the comic book character Ghost rider. Sarge lights a cigarette from the flaming skull before karate kicking it off the ferry. My favorite zombie kill being that of a fire extinguisher nozzle thrust into it's mouth, the foam forcing itself out from the nostrils, ears and eyes, eventually the eyes pop out with nerve stems still attached.
Horror Hospital

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The 7th Victim ( 1943 )

Saturday, October 16, 2010
The Antichrist ( 1974 )

Children of the Living Dead

The movie( I use the term loosely) opens with an aerial view of a field of zombies as they are being shot at by the local red necks . A sharp shooter in a helicopter is also taking shots at the zombies from the skies. The helicopters used in this film probably used up more than half of the allotted budget for this production. Tom Savini plays a survivalist type who is also here battling the zombie population. Savini is credited as stunt co-coordinator, but the stunts used here are lame. A couple of Karate kicks, flipping onto the hood of a car and a back flip all done by Savini. His efforts could have been used better elsewhere, Savini, for those who don't know is the special effects make up artist for films such as The Burning, Deranged, Dawn of the Dead and Friday the 13th and many other good horror pictures. Instead we have inconsistent make up and rubber gloves for hands on the main character of Abbot Hayes. This could be passable for background zombies, but unacceptable for a main character.
Savini's character Hues is killed when he and sheriff Randolph check out a barn for zombies. A small group of children are found to be hiding inside. After believing the barn to be zombie free, the children are led outside, but not before head zombie Abbott Hayes snuffs out Hues candle. The words 14 years later flashes across the screen as five young college age kids are seen driving by the barn ( not once but twice ) as they make their way to a rock concert. Steve ,one of the concert goers has a flashback of the children being led out of the barn. Was he one of them? Who cares, I didn't and neither will you. The dialogue is dumb and sound forced,and comes off not sounding natural. The conversation in the kid's van for example consists of the movie's plot rehashed out right up to the part before 14 years later is flashed on the screen. Just in case you could'nt make sense of the so called epilogue.Back in the van and on the road to the concert, Abbott Hayes strolls out from the woods and in front of their vehicle, causing the van to careen from the road and over a cliff, huh! killing the occupants. Although not related, all five will be buried at the same time? and at the little cemetary beside the barn? During the funeral, Candy's casket is the only one to remain open? Why? who knows ,most importantly who cares. Speaking of the cemetary, what a joke . There might be twenty head stones in this makeshift grave yard and I shit you not they are made from styrofoam. The coffins are also cheap looking and amateurishly made from a plywood and painted white? That night two grave robbers( they are actually the cemetary's grave diggers)plan to steal from the latest residents, who are not even placed into the ground yet?Dusty the older of the two believes he hears something in the bush, but being half deaf he is ignored by the younger thief. Abbott Hayes attacks the two , Dusty escapes.Abbott Hayes opens Candy's casket and bites her hand, she awakens. The next morning all five caskets are seen empty. Another title flashes across the screen " The next year" as Matthew Michaels is seen snooping around the property of the barn/ cemetary. Sheriff Randolph is called in to investigate. We learn that Michaels is planning to build a car dealership on the lot. Smart business plan , to build a dealership in the middle of Buckfuck nowhere. Never the less construction equipment soon rolls in. Major asshole Greg Peters is hired on by Michael's father as head in charge of the operations. Kind of like the foreman, but hired more for his lack of morals. As the new dealership will be built on the site of the cemetary, the corpses will be relocated . Not to another cemetary as the younger Michaels believes but to a mass grave instead to keep the costs down. " Cover with cement, don't want the smell to come up from the floor when people are buying a new car".After an accident involving heavy equipment and a coffin, the crew discovers the casket empty. Upon investigating the other graves they find all of the coffins to be empty.Abbott Hayes ,sure is one busy zombie.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
The Trailer Park of Terror

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I Sell the Dead