Another fantastic episode , I'm beginning to have more respect for that hill billy red neck Merle and he wasn't even seen in this episode. The man cuts his hand off with a hack saw, cauterizes the wound and steals his would be rescuers truck and killing zombies along the way.
It now looks like the show is it's own entity and entering other story lines not seen in the comic book. So far I'm O.K. with the changes, I still have Kirkman's books and a new television series to enjoy.
Shane looks to have settled down from his beating to poor old Ed, even displaying a little compassion to Jim after having to restrain the man from hurting himself, digging all those holes like that. Speaking of Jim, what's up with him ? Is he now psychic ?
I enjoyed the confrontation between Rick and his group with that of the street gang, I totally wasn't expecting the reasons for the hostility from the gang.
The zombie attack happened quickly and from out of nowhere, the consequences were horrific and surprising, like the book , you can never be sure who will be next.
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