Directed by : Steven Goldman
Norma is in her trailer getting all dolled up, she has a big date tonight, and it's with someone who doesn't reside at Topleat Meadows trailer park. This fellow could be her ticket out of this trailer park hellhole.That is until some of the local trash come by and begin to harass the two,eventually causing the death of Norma's potential date. This pisses her off and she storms off down the back road. She soon comes upon a red pickup , the owner ,off into the ditch watering the weeds. It looks and sounds like steam escaping from the ground as he is relieving himself. Norma takes a look into the box of the truck and is shocked to see it full of snakes, or is she imagining the serpents? The stetson clad stranger seems to know a lot about Norma, and hands her a big ass gun. Walking calmly back into the trailer park, Norma goes all Rambo on the unsuspecting trailer park trash. After leaving a trail of corpses, Norma takes a cigarette break but not before turning on a propane tank. Taking her last taste ,she throws the cancer stick into the escaping gas, blowing herself and the park to smithereens.
From a montage of photos of missing persons inside a roadside diner/gas station, it's been established that truckers have gone missing on this stretch of highway since 1981. The year is now 2008, the locals have gone as far as calling this the trucker's triangle. A mini bus , with it's occupants make a stop for some petrol at the diner. Six misguided high school youths and the " I can lead these children to salvation" attitude pastor. All of the kids have issues, there are your nymphomaniacs, coke head, shop lifter and the misunderstood goth girl.After a little adventure of washroom sexcapades, five finger discount of a girlie magazine and an " accidental" spillage of one youth's coke, it's back on the bus. As previously warned a storm quickly blows in and the bus soon collides with an abandoned truck in the middle of the road. With the bus unable to start again the group decides to hike to the nearest facility for help. Shortly they come to the sign of Topleat Meadows Trailer Park, yes the same one where the massacre had occurred over twenty years earlier. When entering one of the trailers, the group is greeted by Norma. Not looking any older than she did twenty years ago and offering her guests sweet tea. Soon they will discover no telephone is available and the electricity will fail. Sitting in candle light, Norma asks if anyone has a scary story to share, with no offers she proceeds to tell hers. I enjoyed the way the film makers set up this premise which is basically your haunted house story , moved to a trailer park location. The residents consists of an Asian whore who runs the park's massage parlour, an obese slob of a woman who loves her meat, and the butcher who supplies the meat? Also residing there,other low life types.
Through flashbacks we learn that truckers would visit the trailer park for a massage ( with a happy ending) as the other park scum are stealing the contents from the semi's. The driver's are dealt with and the empty trucks placed back onto the highway. One day after doing her meat deliveries to the meat obsessed fat lady, Norma comes home to find her mother and the local sheriff making a home made porno film. The butcher operating the camera.When her mother refuses to perform a sex act involving her back door and an over sized pork rind, she is shot in the head by the local law man. With looks of fright on their faces,the kids reply " You got the hell outta there right"? Norma's response is " No I finished the movie".
After everyone finds a trailer and settles in for the night, the new residents must contend to their own vices. The pastor wrestles with his inner demons after watching Norma undress from his trailer's window, he pays her a little visit. Soon the two end up doing the wild thang, when he notices something is not quite right with Norma's face, he becomes frightened and loses his woody. Norma becomes angry with this and demands him to bring it back, when he can't, she rips his head off. All hell breaks loose, literally as each member of the youth group is visited by the undead trailer park sleaze. This movie while competent enough, does not bring anything new to the table, except as mentioned before the trailer park setting. This one reminded me very much of the H.G. Lewis film 2001 maniacs.
Trailer Park of Terror turns from a tone of light hearted/ black comedy to one of viciousness. With scenes of a young woman having an air line forced down her throat, the same air line used to keep Norma's breasts inflated to a healthy appearance. With a promise to live if he kills his girlfriend, one male character is treated to a nasty surprise when he fails to succeed. He is dragged to a makeshift slaughter house by the hulking butcher, where he is strung up much like a carcass of a cattle beast. Stripping the flesh from the young male ,the butcher force feeds it onto him. Eventually the victim is lowered into a large vat of boiling oil and is deep fried. I felt this segment to be out of place for this film, and to be more appropriate for something along the likes of the Hostel pictures. This movie plays by the rules established by Halloween and the Friday the 13th films, and that is,sex and drugs kill. But in the horror movie world , you'll be paying for it in the most grusome manner possible. For once I would love to see a nymphomaniac crack headed jaywalker survive the onslaught brought on by some hulking psychopathic machete wielding mad man, now that would be different. So with these same rules or guide lines in place we know pretty much what to expect. Except for the torture porn sequence, this is still a fun little film to check out. The special effects are decent , the actors are quite capable enough. I have nothing bad to say towards the direction, the writing could have been a little more original though.
My Thoughts:Trailer Park of Terror is a fine little horror movie, but for me , not one worth repeated viewings. I did'nt like the change in tone, I thought it was too drastic of a change, but that's just me. The film makers did try to make it fun again when one of the undead stepped onto a land mine and blew himself to pieces. With duct tape his buddy was trying to put him back together again, I did chuckle at that. But still, too little too late.
My Rating: 2.5 Go Go Girls out of 5 ( Even Priscella Barnes exposed ass didn't help )
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