It's Valentine's day at Tokyo High school and all the girls are in anticipation of having a cute boy accept their sweets, one boy in particular, Jugon.When the chocolates are confiscated by one of the teachers, Keiko the most popular girl screams for her daddy the vice principal.Even the vice principle can't convince the teacher to return the sweets.Monami the new transfer student that nobody notices has managed to keep her sweet from the pile of confiscated chocolates.She manages to get Jugon to accept her piece of chocolate, the inside filled with Monami's blood. Monami is a vampire and happy to see Jugon's body not rejecting her blood, soon she will turn him into a full fledged vampire. This little showing of affection has stirred up the waters between Monami and Keiko.Mean while students at Tokyo High are going missing, Mr. Furano the vice principal , Keiko 's father secretly experiments on the missing students. He believes he is the successor to Dr. Frankenstein. Wearing kabuki make up, the bat shit crazy vice principal and the sexy head nurse undertake some bizarre experiments in the basement of the school.After finding a droplet of Monami's blood, the white faced mad scientist believes he has found the missing ingredient to bring life to his creations. Add to this a wrist cutter's club who hold rallies and competitions, members who don't go anywhere without their handy dandy carpet knives.How about the super dark club, a group of Japanese girls who wish they were black and have had their skin darkened. Some members sporting Afros, and one going as far as to having a wooden disc implanted into her bottom lip.When Keiko is accidentally killed during a jealous rage over Jugon, her father takes the lifeless body to the basement laboratory.Soon the battle between vampire girl and Frankenstein girl will commence.
Take Universal Pictures favorite monsters add some sexy Japanese schoolgirls, a dash of sake and throw them in a blender and you might have something like Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl. This movie isn't for everyone, but if you have seen movies like Tokyo Gore Police or Machine Girl you know what kind of crazy ass hyper kinetic, horror schlock to expect.This is a movie where you can check your brain at the door, just make sure to keep your rain coat nearby.This sucker just doesn't rain but pours an onslaught of an arterial geyser.Saturating everyone and everything in a never ending stream of blood and viscera. This is one roller coaster ride of a movie you won't forget whether you like it or not, a gut wrenching, ass clenching display of some of the sickest and slickest special effects.
VG vs. FG amps it up, amps it up big time. Everything is taken to the nth degree and then some, but I'm sad to say that after all the crazy ass things the directors have chosen to show us, this final battle is a bit of a let down. From the ending, it is quite obvious the film makers are a big fan of Let the Right One In, but who isn't?
My Thoughts:This is pure eye candy for anyone who enjoys cinematic splatter from the twisted minds of Japanese film makers. Any film that opens with a song called Pinky Love has my attention.
My Rating: 3.5 Go Go Girls out of 5
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