Jennifer's Body, Directed by Karyn Kusama, Starring Megan Fox/ Amanda Seyfried/ Johnny Simmons
When we are first introduced to Anita ( Needy) Jennifer's nickname for her best friend, she is in a state prison ( Minnesota to be precise). She is known as the kicker, occasionally she'll kick orderlies, nurses and guards in the face if provoked. After one such incident she is placed into solitary confinement, she then proceeds to explain how she came to be there.
Anita and Jennifer are best friends forever as their necklaces will attest. Anita is pretty, but shy. she hides behind her glasses and dosn't mind standing outside of Jennifer's lime light. Jennifer is pretty, and she knows it, she will flaunt her body for anyone. This girl is basically trailer park trash, minus the trailer park. She is a man eater and has many wrapped around her little finger.
In the small community of Devil's Kettle, where everyone knows everyone, a rock band from the big city is making a rare appearance.Jennifer has the hots for the lead singer and asks Anita to join her. The small drinking establishment erupts into flames causing many deaths. with Jennifer out of the blazing building with the help of Anita's quick thinking, Jennifer is then forced into the musicians van, leaving Anita behind dumbfounded.
The band believing Jennifer is a virgin, is planning to sacrifice her to Satan in return for fame, stardom and riches. Complications arise when Jennifer, the sacrfical lamb is not quite as pure as the band had hoped. And Jennifer being the man eater that she is , literally becomes one.
My thoughts: Its a pleasant way to spend 107 minutes, but must say I was a little disappointed when the unrated version didn't bother to show a couple of Ms. Fox's assets.
Being written and directed by two women ,I was not surprised to see such strong female characters. But the males, I thought were dumbed down so much I was looking for them to enter a cave carrying clubs.
My Rating: 2.5 Go Go Girls out of 5
Good review Wayne, Megan Fox ( Jennifer) is a sexy bitch , but Anita is the real beauty. I saw a topless picture of Megan Fox on the internet and it was when she got out of the lake on the dock, so I also was disappointed that the scene was even cut from the unrated movie, what a RIP. There were some good one liners though, I like the one when The guy asked Jennifer to go see the Rocky Horror Picture show and she said she did not like boxing movies , what a dumb bitch haha. Also nice to see Lance Henriksen at the end giving Anita a ride. I agree 2 gogo girl and a torso , what the heck , throw the legs in to haha