Jack the Ripper Directed by Jesse Franco
( The DVD cover sucks)
This version of Jack the Ripper by Jesse Franco falls somewhere between his mediocre efforts and his worst efforts in my opinion. His worst being" Oasis of the Zombies" and the mediocre being "Virgin among the living Dead" which I believe is the best title ever for a horror film. " She killed in Ecstacy' and " Vampyre Lesbos" both starring the beautiful Soledad Miranda as his masterpieces.
But Franco films are a must see, for anyone who is curious to watch An Euro horror or sexploitation film of the 1970's.
During the 1880's in jolly old London, England, somebody is murdering the local ladies of the evening. We know it's Dr. Orloff( Klaus Kinski ) a character , in name only from Franco's first film " The Awful Dr. Orloff".He lives Alone and practices medicine from a boarding house, whose Land Lady has taken a fancey to him. The killings have been going on for some time, but the first one we see is one which is witnessed by a blind man whom is later brought in with other witnesses to aid a sketch artist in providing a face for the infamous killer.
With very little flowing of the the red sticky stuff, very little T and A it isn't your typical Franco film, and had me yawning with boredom by the halfway point. Mind you Franco films can be a little slow going but there is usually something that will make me sit up and say WTF. Even the effect of a severed hand found by a local fisherman and taken to the police was poorly executed. ( A ceramic hand from a store window manniquin) .Making this look cheap and amateurish.
Franco's wife Lina Romay plays a prostitute who dies quite a violent death at the hands of the Ripper.
My Thoughts: The version of the DVD I have,has very little of the gore and nudity that I have read about.This just won't do. This is one of the few Franco films to have a theatrical release in America.This may play better on the big screen, but from what I seen, I doubt it.
My Rating: 1.5 Go Go Girls out of 5
My Thoughts: The version of the DVD I have,has very little of the gore and nudity that I have read about.This just won't do. This is one of the few Franco films to have a theatrical release in America.This may play better on the big screen, but from what I seen, I doubt it.
My Rating: 1.5 Go Go Girls out of 5
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