Directed by: Scott Phillips
Starring: Kurly Tlapoyawa, Ross Kelley, Diva, Kristin Hansen
Once you get past the mediocre acting and the low budget this is a very entertaining film in a trashy, sick and twisted kind of way. If you enjoy zombie flicks as much as I do, and looking for something a little different then this just may be up your alley.
Another apocalyptic world has been over taken by zombies, at least in the deserts of New Mexico anyway,we are introduced to Matool who prefers to do his zombie killing with a hammer and spikes. Fleeing from the latest attack, he is struck by a pickup. Waking from unconciousness he finds himself bound and in the box of the truck. Arriving at his abductor's house Matool learns a young creepy boy has also been brought along, having been saved from the zombie attack. Nathan has brought Matool home for his wife Dexy. The pair lead an alternative life style, Dexy enjoys having sex with other men and Nathan likes to watch, and it's becoming more difficult to find people to bring home since the outbreak of the zombie virus. Seems the title has a bit of a double innuendo.
This film was shot on a micro budget, but with so many bizarre scenes scattered throughout you're not going to care. One such scene involves Matool getting it on with Dexy as her sisters Sassy and Dorothy ( think Duane and Belial from Basketcase ) sneak into the room and try to beat Matool's bare ass with a piece of Hot Wheels race track. And Nathan not to be outdone has his own little groove going on, out in the back shed he keeps a naked, hot looking zombie chick shackled up. But he says he just looks at her, yeah right. Things really start to heat up when a trio of military personell arrive and one of them has just been the main entree of a zombie buffet. Mean while that creepy kid wanders around the house and just quietly observes.
The zombie make up is borrowed from the style Savini applied to his walking dead consumerists in Romero's Dawn of the Dead. A blue coloured grease paint that some actors had unfortunately sweated off from certain areas of their bodies. There is plenty of gore, blood splattering,intestinal pulling and gut munching effects that would make larger budgeted movies envious.
There is plenty of dark humour peppered within but also many laugh out loud moments such as a scene at the breakfast table when Dexy is serving up the plates and she apologizes that there are no eggs, the zombies ate their chicken. Being a film about about an alternative life style the soundtrack contributes greatly, a nice mixture of alternative songs throughout, some reminding me of stuff you may hear in a Tarantino or Rodriguez film.
I highly recommend this film to anyone who isn't too easily offended. There is a little nudity as expected given the subject matter but nothing overly graphic. This movie even has Leatherface's niece Kristin Hansen in it, besides what other movie is going to have a character stop and take the time to analye zombie poop?
My Final Thought : Get out there and watch this, you'll have fun.
My Rating:Four Go Go Girls Out of Five
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